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Free Web Hosting

  • In terms of ease-of-use, flexibility, and reliability, three free web page hosting sites fit our needs. Besides these you get upto 2MB of storage space to host and step-by-step online help.
  • It is very easy to set up a page, after providing usual personal information you can begin building a site. These sites have some drawbacks. You might not be comfortable with some one else's ad on your web site. If you wanted to create Home pages for fun you might have a look into this table.
    Service Angelfire Geocities Ts2k Tripod Webspaver
    Pros Traffic Good Page Features Friendly Friendly Easy Setup
    Cons not much help Strict guidelines  Limited Storage Fee based e-mail minimal
    free  service
    Storage 200k 2MB 10 pages; 3pages if not 3com customer 2MB 25K
    Tutorials & Help HTML code editior
    limited Help
    HTML code editor none good Limited
    Permanent E-mail no yes no 3$ per month no
  • Apart from that 3$ per month more you will get 12MB of space and  free email ID and other benefits as Premium member. So, clearly Tripod is my choice.
  • This shareware utility magic did a good job for me. You can download it from Freeware site. It enables to change the Registry settings to maximize the surfing speed. Before installing this utility, you must do two things. First you should backup your registry. (basically copy your system.dat and user.dat files into Floppy disks) Second read Sutherland's Home page for full information about mtu, rwin, ping. You might not understand everything, but atleast.
  • Matter of fact, before Installing this utility, my internet connection was 28,000 kbps speed, after that it connected to 31,200kbps. I was really astonished by that.  This updated version works on Windows NT and Windows 95 also.

    Sutherland's Home page


  • It is another utility from same as MTU-Speed, I find it is quite easy and simple way to tweak the speed. Net lightning not only does MTU speed and RWIN, it also helps to edit your hosts file to get your most visited sites quicker and faster. It also allows to backup the Windows Registry.

Click here to download Net-Lightning

What can modem do for you ?
Here some of the tips, articles and facts about dial-up networking which I collected from different sites and magazines. I found it might be useful to others who still have MMX and old Pentium computers.

  • If you are using dial-up networking still this Windows Magazine tells how to tweak your connections and optimize your connection performance.
    Click here to read Speed Dialing article.
  • Get a real and better Internet Service Provider (ISP). Check out frequently your ISP's home page for any updates in their connect- ion software and download it. It might make little faster.
  • If your UART (chip on the internal modem) is 16550 compatible and you have Windows 95, try changing up the Receive Buffer settings. Select START, CONTROL PANEL, MODEMS icon, Click Properties, then the Connection Tab. Under Port settings drag the sliders up to increase the send and receive buffers to maximum and speed up your performance.
  • Learn more about modem and what should check before buying the modem. Don't forget to read this windows magazines special column. Read 2500+ tips about hardware and how to optimize performance.
  • If you are using a 33.6 or 56-kbps modem, try changing the port speed to 57,600 or 115,200bps. Select START, CONTROL PANEL, then open SYSTEM, DEVICE MANAGER,PORTS. Double click the COM port that your modem is connected to, and select PORT settings.
    Check the Advanced Tab and make sure Flow Control settings is set to 'Hardware'.  This puts your modem instead of software in charge of data sent and received.
  • Downloading files from an FTP site can be up to 10 times faster than from a non-FTP server. Speed up browsing by reducing the amount of data downloaded.
  • Turn off automatic image loading, disable Java. It really speeds the surfing.
  • Opera Software based in Norway, develops an internet web browser for Microsoft Widows Environment. This Opera browser doubles the internet browsing speed. Read Jim Seymour in PC Magazine -- Project Magic update "I could take another 2000 words to tell you everything about Opera".
  • Defragment process speeds up loading the application. As you surf the web, everything you see is stored on your hard disk in a cache, so you can flip through previously viewed pages faster. Start menu, Programs, Accessories, look in System tools for Disk Defrag.
  • By replacing your browser cache with a program like PeakSoft's PeakJet you may be able to increase browsing speeds. While you are busy reading online, PeakJet loads up links. Free for 30 days.
  • To find out how speed an Internet connection is or to determine possible problems, use tracert. Type this command in at the DOS prompt to see a map of your journey across the Net to a particular Web site. To do so, connect to the Internet, open a DOS window and type in tracert using the name of the server you are trying to reach. You will get a detailed listing of the entire path you are taking from your server to the desired site.
