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Health Tips


Hot Peppers for Healthy Hearts
Red hot peppers is used to cure Ulcer. Chili Peppers that prevents obstruction that cause heart attacks or stokes. In addition, researchers have found that dry red pepper and pure capsaicin protect heart by suppressing the liver's production of cholesterol in blood.


Onion for Cancer prevention
Vitamin C, fiber and the photochemical allium in the raw or streamed onion, they protect from stomach cancer. Half an onion a day can do wonder for  your overall body
Dried Blueberries for StomachachesDried berries
The hand full of Dried Blueberries contain both antibacterial compound and a sticky substance that is soothing to the gut.
Tea Tea to reduce tooth plaque
The tannins in tea prevent the sticky film of bacteria called plaque from hardening to form tartar.
Dandelion Tea for weight loss
Order tea after dinner instead of coffee. The root and leaf are both known to build and restore energy and aid digestion.
Tea tree oil for razor burn
This natural antiseptic can help heal all kinds of cuts.
Garlic Garlic for cancer
Garlic that stops the cell changes that precede cancer growth. Garlic is also good for zapping bacteria, keeping your heart healthy, warding off coughs and colds.
Garlic for Cholestrol
Garlic and Pregnancy
Ginger for nausea

Ginger is used for all types of nausea(feeling extreme, dislike or disgust), including morning sickness and motion sickness. It has a warming effect in supportive to the digestion while stimulated circulation.
Ginger has a protective effect on the stomach and liver as well, and is the best spice to use for people with liver and digestive problems.


Drinking water, reduces the fat from the body. Every one should take atleast 8 glass of water per day. It maintain the temperature of the body.

Home Remedies

  1. Orange juice for colds Cherry
  2. Chicken soup for cold
  3. Ginger ale for an upset stomach
  4. Saltwater gargle for a sore throat
  5. Spicy foods to relive nasal stuffiness
  6. Bananas for heartburn
  7. Warm milk for insomnia
  8. Cranberry juice for urinary tract infection
  9. Red meat for anemia
  10. .Milk for strong bones
  11. .Carrots for better eyesight
Vitamin A Protects against free radicals, inhibits tumor growth and helps repair cells that have been damaged by carcinogens(Substance that produce cancer).
Vitamin B B - Vitamin are essential for brain. people with memory impairment are deficient in certain B-Vitamins especially B12.
Vitamin C Scavenges free radicals and regenerates Vitamin E.
Vitamin D Enhances the absorption of calcium for bone formation.
Vitamin E Stops the cycle of free radical proliferation and increases the effectiveness of selenium.
Potassium Lower blood pressure and help prevent heart attack.
Calcium To prevent osteoporosis in later life. Maximizes bone building when young. Calcium lower blood pressure and cholesterol and inhibits cancer.
Chromium Plays a vital role in blood sugar level regulation and may reduce the risk of adult-onset diabetes.
Fat Free Living
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